1964 Wuerzburg Germany
Training / Education
- 1988 Int. Sommerakademie der Bildenden Künste, Salzburg Jewelry class with Johanna Dahm, Austria
- 1989-1992 Vocational training with Conrad Klein, goldsmith, Munich Germany
- Matthias Engert, gold- and silversmith, Wuerzburg Germany
- Jewelry Gallery Alpha, Wuerzburg Germany
Work Experience:
- 1992 Membership with Forum für Schmuck und Design e.V.
- 1993 Established own workshop, Wuerzburg
- 1994 Jewelry Symposium in Braunwald (Switzerland)
- - Workshop Zwischenräume with Felix Flury
- - Workshop Kettenreaktionen with Alexandra Bahlmann
- 1998 Membership with the Bayerischer Kunstgewerbeverein e.V.
- (Bavarian Arts and Crafts Association) Germany
- 2004 move into a new workshop with showroom
Exhibitions (Solo & Group Shows):
- Time of Exhibit / Name Of Exhibit (Solo or Group) / Location of Exhibit (City & Country) /
- 1995 Dosen - aber mit Deckel, Handwerkskammer, Koblenz, Germany
- 1996 Danner Award'96, Die Neue Sammlung, Munich, Germany
- 1996 Danner Award'96, Die neue Sammlung, Munich,Germany
- 1997 Exhibition on the occasion of the Friedrich Wilhelm Müller Competition In neuer Reihung, Prediger Schwäbisch Gmünd, Dt. Gold-schmiedehaus Hanau, Goldschmiedeschule Pforzheim, Landesvertretung Baden Württemberg Bonn, Germany
- 1999 Exhibition on the occasion of the Friedrich Becker Award'99
- At the Design Center Nordrhein Westfalen, Essen, Germany Specialshow Form '99, Frankfurt, Germany
- 2000 Design Podium,Inhorgenta 2000, Munich, Germany
- Gallery Ars Temporis, Klagenfurt, Austria
- Schlossgalerie Weiher, Ahorntal, Germany
- Special Show Form 2000, Frankfurt, Germany
- 2001 Jewelry Gallery Schulte-Hengesbach, Düsseldorf, Germany
- Jewelry Gallery Expo Arte, Oslo, Norway solo exhibition anniversary exhibition Blickrichtungen Gallery für Angewandte Kunst, Munich, Germany
- 2002 Gallery Helga Malten, Dortmund, Germany solo exhibition
- Schloss Haigerloch, jewelry exhibition, Germany
- 2003 Jewelry exhibition Sinn e voll, Residenzgärtnerei, Wuerzburg,
- Germany
- Fine A.R.T.S., Kulturspeicher, Wuerzburg, Germany
2004 Jewelry exhibition Sinn e voll, Parkdeck, Wuerzburg,
- Germany
- Fine A.R.T.S., Kulturspeicher, Wuerzburg, Germany
Awards / Grants:
- 1997 Friedrich Wilelm Müller Competition In neuer Reihung,
- Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany, Honorable Mention
- 1999 Selected for the Special Show: Form 99, Tendence 99, Frankfurt
- 2000 Selected for the Special Show: Form 2000, Tendence 2000, Frankfurt, Germany
- 2002 Selected for the Special Show: Form 2002, Tendence 2002, Frankfurt, Germany
Collections (Private & Museum):
- Private or Museum / Name Of Collection / Location of Collection (City & Country) / Time of Collection (Duration of)
- 1995 Acquisition Museum of Dec. Arts Hamburg Germany