1963 Graz , Austria
Training / Education:
- 1989-1993 Ecole supérieure d'Art Appliqué, Geneva, Switzerland
Exhibitions (Solo & Group Shows):
- 2004 Art Fair SOFA New York, Chicago,USA
- represented by Charon Kransen Arts, New York
- Balztools Gallery Friends of Carlotta,Zürich, Switzerland
- PalmBeachContemporary repr. by Charon Kransen Arts
- Int. Art + Design Fair, repr. by Charon Kransen Arts
- 2003 Art Fair SOFA New York, Chicago,USA
- represented by Charon Kransen Arts, New York
- ArtForm PalmBeach repr. by Charon Kransen Arts
- Int. Art + Design Fair, repr. by Charon Kransen Arts
- Gallery Caractère Neuchâte,Switzerland
- 2002 Art Fair SOFA New York, Chicago, USA
- represented by Charon Kransen Arts, New York
- Le bijou en Suisse au 20ème siècle
- Musée d'Art et d'histoire, Genèva, Switzerland
- Museo Vela, Ligornetto, Switzerland
- Schweizerisches Landesmuseum, Zürich, Sw.
- L'atelier de Circonstance se présente Gallery 3. étage, Genèva Sw
- Int. Art + Design Fair, repr. by Charon Kransen Arts
- 2001 Art Fair SOFA New York, Chicago,USA
- represented by Charon Kransen Arts, New York
- infini Galllery ViceVersa, Lausanne Switzerland
- Schnapsidee Gallery Friends of Carlotta, Zürich,Switzerland
- Hommage aan het sieraad Nieuwegein, Holland
- 2000 Frischer Schmuck aus dem Genfer See maison parentale, Graz Austria
- Art Fair SOFA New York, Chicago, USA
- Repr. by Charon Kransen Arts, New York
- Beyond Borders Gallery OXOXO, Baltimore. Curated by Charon Kransen Arts
- Int. Art + Design Fair NY, repr. by Charon Kransen Arts USA
- 1999 Art Fair SOFA New York, Chicago, USA
- repr. by Charon Kransen Arts, New York
- Boutique Perspicace Genèva Switzerland
- Schmuck boutique Brockoli, Frick, Switzerland
- 1998 9 créateurs de bijoux Gallery ViceVersa, Lausanne, Switzerland
- Le bijoux contemporain Maison Visinand, Montreux, Switzerland
- Made in Turkey Gallery A, Genèva,Switzerland
- 1997 In 80 Tagen um die Welt Gallery Friends of Carlotta, Zürich Switzerland
Collections (Private & Museum):
- 1999 Collection publique du musée de l'horlogerie et d'émaillerie, Genève,present of Csaba Gaspar
- Le bijou en Suisse au 20ième Siècle
- Le bijou en Suisse au 20ième Siècle
- La bibliothéque des arts, 2002