1958, Paderborn, Germany
Training / Education:
- 1982 - 1987 studied at the Fachhochschule Cologne, Prof P. Skubic, Germany
Work Experience:
- 1993 - 1995 Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany
- Metalsculpting, Professor Ullrich Hellmann
Exhibitions (Solo & Group Shows):
- 1987
- Phänomen Schmuck -Oberösterreichisches Landesmuseum, Linz, Austria
- Schmuck 87 - Haus der Kunst, Munich Germany
- 1988
- Gallery Louise Smit, Amsterdam, Holland
- Südstadt Gallery, Cologne, Germany
- Schmuckszene -
- Internationale Handwerksmesse Munich Germany
- (Herbert Hoffmann Award)
- Seven Contemporary Goldsmiths: Munich 1988 - Germany
- Helen Drutt Gallery, Philadelphia, USA
- Köln grüßt Wien - Gallery Inge Asenbaum, Vienna, Austria
- 1989
- Daniel Kruger / Michael Becker -Galley for contemporary jewelry, Frankfurt Germany
- The Spectacle of Chaos - Rezac Gallery, Chicago, USA
- Schmuck: Jetzt! - Gallery Suse Wassibauer, Salzburg, Austria
- 1990
- Gallery Louise Smit, Amsterdam Holland
- Studio Ton Berends, The Hague Holland
- Kunstrai Amsterdam, Gallery Louise Smit Holland
- Helen Drutt Gallery, New York USA
- Giampaolo Babetto / Michael Becker -Galerie Ropac, Salzburg, Austria
- Triennale du bijou -Musée du Luxembourg, Paris, France
- 1991
- New Jewels, Knokke, Belgium
- Lineart - Gallery Louise Smit, Gent, Belgium
- 10 years Gallery Spektrum - Gallery Spektrum, Munich Germany
- 1992
- Studio Ton Berends, The Hague Holland
- New Jewels, Knokke Belgium
- Gallery Louise Smit, Amsterdam Holland
- Jewelry Exhibition -Centrum Beeldende Kunst, Groningen Holland
- 10. European Silver Triennial -Deutsches Goldschmiedehaus, Hanau Germany
- Besteck - Gallery Knauth und Hagen, Bonn Germany
- 1993
- Gallery Spektrum, Munich Germany
- Gallery Slavik, Vienna Austria
- Brigitte Tendahl / Michael Becker - Gallery Treykorn, Berlin Germany
- Jewelry Biennale: Facet 1 - Kunsthal, Rotterdam Holland
- Münchner Goldschmiede -Stadtmuseum, Munich Germany
- A Wedding Collection - New Jewels, Gent Belgium
- A Sparkling Party - Contemporary European Silverwork
- VIZO, Provinzial Room, Antwerp, Belgium
- 1994
- Gallery Pavé, Düsseldorf Germany
- Gallery Orféo, Luxemburg
- Gallery for contemporary jewelry, Frankfurt Germany
- Schmuckszene -
- Internationale Handwerksmesse Munich (Herbert Hoffmann Award) Germany
- Architectural Gems - Designyard, Dublin, Ireland
- 1995
- Gallery Hélène Porée, Paris France
- Architectural Gems - Electrum Gallery, London UK
- Petersburger Hängung - Gallery Spektrum, Munich Germany
- 1996
- New Jewels, Gent Belgium
- Schmuck im Schloss - Schloss Klessheim, Salzburg Austria
- European Contemporary Jewelry -
- SOFA, Chicago, repr. by Charon Kransen Arts USA
- Danner Award 96 -Neue Sammlung, Munich Germany
- 1997
- Gallery Louise Smit, Amsterdam Holland
- Faszination des Goldes - Gallery Spektrum, Munich Germany
- In neuer Reihung - Museum für Natur & Stadtkultur,Schwäbisch Gmünd Germany
- Deutsches Goldschmiedehaus, Hanau ( 1. Prize) Germany
- Gioielli di fine millennio - Fattidarte, Piacenza Italy
- SOFA, Chicago, repr. by Charon Kransen Arts USA
- SOFA Miami, repr. by Charon Kransen Arts USA
- 1998
- Gallery Slavik, Vienna Austria
- Gallery Orféo, Luxemburg
- Anton Cepka / Michael Becker - Gallery Spektrum, Munich Germany
- SOFA, Chicago, repr. by Charon Kransen Arts USA
- SOFA, New York, repr. by Charon Kransen Arts USA
- 1999
- Gallery Marcolongo, Padua Italy
- Gallery Treykorn, Berlin Germany
- Hommage to Dr. Herbert Hoffmann -Gallery Handwerk, Munich Germany
- SOFA, Chicago, repr. by Charon Kransen Arts USA
- SOFA, New York, repr. by Charon Kransen Arts USA
- 2000
- Gallery Hélène Porée, Paris France
- New Jewels, Gent Belgium
- SOFA, Chicago, repr. by Charon Kransen Arts USA
- SOFA, New York, repr. by Charon Kransen Arts USA
- 20th Century Art Fair NY, repr. by Charon Kransen Arts USA
- 2001
- Gallery Spektrum, Munich Germany
- Kunstrai -Galerie Louise Smit, Amsterdam Holland
- Nine East, Nine West - Gallery deNovo, Palo Alto CA,
- curated by Charon Kransen
- Radiant Geometry - American Crafts Museum, New York USA
- SOFA, Chicago, repr. by Charon Kransen Arts USA
- SOFA, New York, repr. by Charon Kransen Arts USA
- 2002
- Gallery Slavik, Vienna Austria
- Internationale Handwerksmesse Munich - Germany (Bavarian State Award)
- Friederich Becker Award -
- At Beauty´s Edge -20 European and Asian Artists, Patina Gallery,
- Santa Fe, curated by Charon Kransen USA
- Löffel - Galerie im Kelterhaus, Hochheim/Main Germany
- Danner Award 2002 - Veste Coburg, Coburg Germany
- International Jewelry and Metalwork Invitational -University of Iowa, Museum of Art
- curated by Charon Kransen USA
- Masterpieces -Esposizione d ´arte decorativa moderna, Turin Italy
- SOFA, Chicago, repr. by Charon Kransen Arts USA
- SOFA, New York, repr. by Charon Kransen Arts USA
- Int. Art + Design Fair NY, repr. by Charon Kransen Arts
- 2003
- Gallery Orféo, Luxemburg
- Gallery im Kelterhaus, Hochheim/Main Germany
- New Jewels, Gent Belgium
- Art And Antique Fair Munich BKV, Munich Germany
- SOFA, Chicago, repr. by Charon Kransen Arts USA
- SOFA, New York, repr. by Charon Kransen Arts USA
- Int. Art + Design Fair NY, repr. by Charon Kransen Arts
- ArtForm Palm Beach Florida, repr. by Charon Kransen Arts
- 2004
- Gallery Hélène Porée, Paris France
- Architektouren Bayern- Works on Architecture- BKV Munich Germany
- Collect - Galerie Hélène Porée V&A Museum, London UK
- Becher - Galerie im Kelterhaus, Hochheim/Main Germany
- 20 Jahre Danner Award - BKV, Munich Germany
- Art + Antique Fair - Munich BKV Munich Germany
- SOFA, Chicago, repr. by Charon Kransen Arts USA
- SOFA, New York, repr. by Charon Kransen Arts USA
- Int. Art + Design Fair NY, repr. by Charon Kransen Arts
- PalmBeachContemporary Florida, repr. by Charon Kransen Arts
- 2005
- PalmBeachSOFA, Florida, repr. by Charon Kransen Arts
Awards / Grants:
- 1987 Prize; Schmuck 87, Munich
- 1988 Herbert Hoffmann Prize Schmucksonderschau IHM, Munich Germany
- 1994 Herbert Hoffmann Prize Schmucksonderschau IHM, Munich Germany
- 1996 Danner Foundation Prize Neue Sammlung, Munich Germany
- 1997 1. Prize: Competition In neuer Reihung" Goldschmiedehaus, Hanau Germany
- 2002 Bavarian State Prize IHM, Munich Germany
Collections (Private & Museum):
Public Collections:
- 1997 Schmuckmuseum Pforzheim Germany
- 2001 Kunstgewerbemuseum, Berlin Germany
- 1996 Musée des Arts Decoratifs, Paris France
- 1995 Musée des Arts Decoratifs, Montreal Canada
- 1988 Deutsches Klingenmuseum, Solingen Germany
- 2003 Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg Germany
- 2004 Mint Museum in Charlotte, NC USA
- 1997 Cooper Hewitt National Design Museum, New York USA
- 1988 Pinakothek der Moderne; Danner Collection Munich Germany
- Works on Architecture, Michael Becker, 1991
- Michael Becker, 1997
- Schmuck der Moderne 1960 - 1998, Bestandskatalog Schmuckmuseum Pforzheim