1943 Born in Appenzell/Switzerland
- 1965-69 studied textile design at the Kunstgewerbeschule Basle & Zurich
- (Diploma 1969)
- since 1969 freelance, living and working in Zurich
Individual exhibitions
- 1984 Gallery Maya Behn, Zurich
- 1985 Electrum Gallery, London
- 1987 Gallery RA, Amsterdam
- 1988 Gallery NØ, Lausanne
- VØ-Gallery, Washington/DC
- 1989 U-Gallery, Zurich
- 1990 Gallery Herta Zaunschirm, Zollikon/Zurich
- 1993 Jewellery-Gallery B. Moser & A. Oswald, Zug
- Musée d' art et d' histoire, Geneva
- 1995 Gallery desinfarkt, Berne
- Gallery NØ, Lausanne
- U-Gallery, Zurich
- 1996 Jewellery Gallery, A. Oswald, Zug
- 1998 Jewellery Gallery Hnoss konstepidemin, Göteborg, Sweden
- 1999 Gallery Hofmatt, Sarnen/OW, Switzerland
Group exhibitions (since 1990)
- 1990
- SchmuckForum, Zurich
- "Triennale européenne du bijou", Musée de Luxembourg, Paris
- 1991
- Mehrwerte", Kunstgewerbemuseum, Zurich
- Configura", Erfurt/GDR
- The Banqueting Table", Gallery RA, Amsterdam
- 20th Anniversary", Electrum Gallery, London
- Schmuckarsenale", Cologne
- Florilège - créations florales et végétales contemporaines",
- Musée des arts décoratifs, Lausanne
- 1992
- Sieraden", Centre Beeldende Kunst, Groningen
- Triennale européenne du bijou", Musée des arts décoratifs, Paris
- 1993
- The Art of Jewellery", Setagaya Art Museum, Tokyo
- Lichter Schmuck, Holographie im Schmuckdesign", Museum für
- angewandte Kunst, Cologne
- 1995
- Art & Appenzell", Appenzell
- Gallery Herta Zaunschirm, Zollikon/Zurich
- 1996
- Women/Beyond Borders", Antikenmuseum, Basle
- Paper Road", København
- Sieraden - toen, nu en straks", Gallery RA, Amsterdam
- Gallery Herta Zaunschirm, Zollikon/Zurich
- Electrum Gallery, London
- Musée des arts décoratifs, Lausanne
- 1997
- Gallery Bob Gysin, Dübendorf, Zurich
- Centre de cours, Ballenberg, Heimatwerk, Brienz/Berne
- Verena Sieber-Fuchs (2)
- 1997
- Gallery Raum für Schmuck, Cologne
- Made in Switzerland" (BAK), Musée des arts décoratifs, Lausanne
- 1998
- Kunstforum, Kirchberg/Berne
- Casino-Gesellschaft, Herisau, Appenzell/AR
- Gallery Herta Zaunschirm, Zollikon/Zurich
- Jewellery Moves", National Museums of Scotland, Edinburgh
- European Jewellery", (curated by Charon Kransen, New York), Musée des arts
- décoratifs, Montréal, Canada
- 1999 Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz, Austria
- SOFA NYC, sculpture, objects, functional art, New York
- Galerie Piltzer, Paris
- Slovenská národna galéria, Bratislava
- Musée des arts décoratifs, Lausanne
- International 20th Century Arts Fair, New York
- SOFA, Chicago
- 2000
- Swiss General Consulate, Venice (Galleria Marcologno, Padova)
- Objects of Desire Gallery, Louisville, USA (Charon Kransen, New York)
- Kunst hautnah", Künstlerhaus, Wien
- Das geschmückte Ego - Künstlerschmuck im 20. Jahrhundert",
- Koningin Fabiolazaal, Antwerpen
- Alles Schmuck", Museum für Gestaltung, Zürich
- Parures d'ailleurs, Parures d'ici - Incidences, Coincidences", Musée de design
- et d'arts appliqués contemporains, Lausanne
- Artist's Jewellery in Contemporary Europe: A Female Perspective?",
- Ilias Lalaounis Jewelry Museum, Athens
- 2001
- Gallery V & V, Vienna
- Gallery Tereza Seabra, Lisboa
- Maskerade", Gallery RA, Amsterdam
- Atelier 7ici, Fribourg/CH
- Gewerbemuseum, Winterthur
- 1967/68/69 Swiss government grant
- 1973 Prize for the best textile design, Kunstgewerbeschule, Zurich
- 1985 1st prize in textile design, Burgdorf/Berne
- 1986 Grand prize at the Tokyo international jewellery exhibition
- 1988 Mención honorífica, Barcelona
- 1993 Prix Micheline et Jean-Jacques Brunschwig pour les arts appliqués, Geneva
- 1995 Design Prize Switzerland (recognition)
Works in public collections, and purchases
- Swiss collection of applied art, Berne; City and Canton of Zurich; Canton of
- Thurgau; Canton of Appenzell/AI/AR; Centre de cours, Heimatwerk/Ballenberg,
- Brienz/Berne; Musée de l'horlogerie, Geneva; Musée des arts décoratifs,
- Lausanne; Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam; Kostummuseum, Den Haag; Musée
- des arts décoratifs, Paris; Kunstgewerbemuseum, Frankfurt; Zurich Airport,
- Zurich; Röhsska museet, Göteborg (S); National Museums of Scotland, Edinb.;
- Musée des arts décoratifs, Montréal; Smithsonian Cooper-Hewitt, National
- Design Museum, Washington, D.C.; Fonds National d'Art Contemporain, Paris;
- Museum für Kommunikation, Berne.
- 1981 The Art Fabric: Mainstream", J.L.Larsen, Mildred Constantine, New York (contribution)
- 1984 VERENA SIEBER - FUCHS, catalogue, Gallery Maya Behn, Zurich
- 1987 L'art textile", SKIRA, Paris (contribution)
- History of Beads", Lois Dubin, New York (contribution)
- 1988 Die Schmuckisten", Tages-Anzeiger Magazin, no. 9, 5 March (contribution)
- 1992 The New Beadwork", Kathlyn Moss, Alice Scherer, Portland/US (contribution)
- 1993 VERENA SIEBER - FUCHS, bijoux", catalogue Musée d'art et d'histoire,
- Geneva, (texte de Pascaline Cuvelier, Libération, Paris!)
- 1996 Les perles", N. Wolters, Syros, Paris (contribution)
- Jewellery in Past, Present and Future", Gallery RA, Amsterdam (contribution)
- 1997 Coquina textiloornamentalis", Rapperswil
- Elsi Giauque, Wegbereiterin der textilen Kunst", J. Morel von Schulthess,
- Benteli, Berne (contribution)
- 1998 Dictionnaire International Bijou, Chantal Bizot, les editions du Regard, Paris
- FrauenLeben Appenzell", R. Bräuniger (Hrsg.), Appenzeller Verlag, Herisau (contribution)
- 1999 Schmuckzeichen Schweiz 20. Jahrhundert", Swiss Jewelers 20th Century",
- Antoinette Riklin-Schelbert, St. Gallen (contribution)
- 2000 Virtual Gallery of Contemporary Jewellery (CD-ROM) (UCE, University of
- Central England in Birmingham)( (contribution)