1964 - Limburg/ Lahn - Germany
Training / Education:
- 1983-1987 apprenticeship in goldsmithing, Frankfurt, Germany
- 1987-1989 apprenticeship in silversmithing, Hanau, Germany
- 1989-1991 journeyman years, Insel Reichenau Germany
- 1991-1996 academy of fine arts Neurenberg Germany
- 1995 master craftsman`s diploma
- 1996 master of arts
Work Experience:
- 1999 lecturer at the university of applied arts Pforzheim Germany
- since 1999 lecturer at the Werkbund Werkstatt Neurenberg Germany
- Exhibitions (Solo & Group Shows):
- 1990 2. Hessischer design prize, Kassel, Germany
- 1993 A sparkling party, Antwerp Belgium
- 1994 Metallklasse, Handwerksform, Hannover, Germany
- 1996 5. Hessischer designprice, Kassel, Germany
- Tischgerät, Kunstsammlungen der Stadt Limburg , Germany
- 1997 Kannen, Kessel, Kasserollen, Gallery Handwerk, Munich, Germany
- Wertsachen, Germanisches Nationalmuseum Neurenberg, Germany
- Goldschmiedehaus Hanau, Germany
- Grassimesse 97, Grassimuseum Leipzig, Germany
- 1998 Tischgerät 2, Galerie Metallum, Stockholm, Sweden
- Grassimesse 98, Grassimuseum, Leipzig, Germany
- Werkschau, BKV, Munich, Germany
- 1999 Essen und Tischkultur, Galerie Herbert Fischer, Göttingen, Germany
- Augenlust, Europäisches Kunsthandwerk, Erfurt, Germany
- 2000 Grassimesse 2000, Grassimuseum, Leipzig, Germany
- Form, Ludwigshafen, Germany
- Contemporary arts and Crafts from Germany, India
- 2001 Internationale Handwerksmesse, Munich, Germany
- Form, Ludwigshafen, Germany
- Metallgerät, BKV, Munich, Germany
- 2002 Debütantenausstellung 2002, ( Solo) Kunsthaus, Neurenberg, Germany
- Jahresmesse 2002, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg, Germany
- 2003 Internationale Handwerksmesse, Munich, Germany
- In eigener Sache, Germanisches Nationalmuseum Neurenberg, Germany
- Festliche Tafel, BKV, Munich, Germany
- SOFA New York, repr. by Charon Kransen Arts USA
- SOFA Chicago repr. by Charon Kransen Arts USA
- Int.Art + Design Fair NY, repr. by Charon Kransen Arts USA
- 2004 Galerie "The golden cut" Karlsruhe, Germany
- Artfair Munich, Munich, Germany
- Gallery Materia Scottsdale AZ. Curated by Charon Kransen Arts USA
- Fine A.R.T.S , Kulturspeicher, Würzburg, Germany
- Int.Art + Design Fair NY, repr. by Charon Kransen Arts USA
- Sienna Gallery Lenox, vessels, repr. by Charon Kransen Arts USA
- 2005 Limited, Museum Zirndorf, Zirndorf, Germany
Awards / Grants:
- 1988 2. prize, competition Degussa AG for a wall arrangment
- 1989 2. prize, comepetition 2. Hessischer design prize
- 1997 master craftsman prize
- 2002 prize from the Hessischer goverment for the german applied arts
- 2002 debutantprize from the Bavarian State goverment for the works
- Collections (Private & Museum):
- Museum for applied arts Hamburg
- Museum for applied arts Frankfurt
- Collection Vic Janssens, Silver Museum Sterkshof, Belgien
- Publications:
- Annette Zey, Schalen 1996
- Das gehört zu mir, 2002
Artist Statement:
What may be happen by choosing a 3-dimension element as the basic element to create a bowl.
My interest lies on the separation of the inner from and the outer form.
The look from the outside suspect that something inside is different
Each bowl arises a new question, which I can only answer by creating another bowl.
A suspicion becomes certainty
The Idea of creating bowls from modules is so factinating for me, that it simple doesnt get out of my mind until now