Ramon Puig Cuyas

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Ramon Puig Cuyas


1953, Mataró, Barcelona, Spain.

Training / Education:

  • 1969-74 Studies in Massana School, Department of Jewelry, Barcelona, Spain.

Work Experience:

  • Free lance artist from 1974
  • Since 1977, teaching in the Massana School, Head of Jewelry Dept., Barcelona,Spain.
  • 1988 - Lecturer at the Royal College of Art, Metalwork and Jewelry Department, London, UK
  • 1990 - Teacher Seminar at Les Ateliers de Fontblanche, Vitrolles, France.
  • 1990 - Teacher Seminar at the University of Industrial Arts,Helsinki, Finland.
    • -Seminar "Unvergánglichkeit", Forum für Schmuck und Design,Cologne, Germany.
    • -Teachers Symposium, "Jewellerymaker, is a Chaman?",Rietveld Academy, Amsterdam.
    • -Teacher seminar "The Relicary", Kobenhavns Tekniske Skole,Copenhagen, Denmark
    • -Teacher seminar at the Designskolen Kolding, Kolding, Denmark.
    • -Workshop "Symbolism and metaphor", Cagnes-sur-mer, Côte d´Azur, France
  • 2003 - Seminar "A viagemcomo Metáfora do Desejo" ESAD, Escola Superior de Artes e Design, Porto, Portugal
    Workshop "Entre la INSpiración y la Expiración", Centro Cultural de España en Buenos Aires. Argentina.
    • - Professor invited. Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallin. Estonia
  • 2007 - South Carelia Politecnic, Lappeenranta, Finlànd
    2009 - Lecturer at the School of Jewellery, Birmingham Institute of Art & Design, Birmingham City University.UK
    • - " L'École Massana et Le bijoux Contemporaine a Barcelona" École de Joaillerie de Montréal, Montreal, Canadà.
  • 2010 – Workshop "Cartographias", EASD, Escola d'Art I Superior de Disseny, Jewellery Department, Valencia. Spain

Exhibitions (Solo & Group Shows):

  • 1980 -"World Craft Councill Conference", Vienna, Austria.
    • - "Arts Plastics and the School of Art in the Mediterranean" E.C.U.M.E., Marseille, France
  • 1989 - Camara do Comercio de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal.
  • 1990 - Conference at the Fachhochschule Hildesheim, Germany.
  • 1991 - Conference at Phare Sud, Grissan, France.
    • -"La joíeria contemporánia des dels anys 60 fins als nostres dies", Can Mulá, Mollet, Barcelona, Spain.
    • -E.S.A.D.,Escola Superior de Artes e Design, Porto. Portugal.
  • 1997 -9th. Jewellery Symposium Turnov, Czech Republic
    • -Symposium Arts Ornata Mediterranea, Sala Comillas, Barcelona Spain
  • 2002 - Handwerkkammer für München und Oberbayern, Munich, Germany.
  • 2003 - "La joieria catalana: entre la intuició i la rao", Caixa Forum, Barcelona.
  • 2005 -" The Magnitude of the little dimention. A voyager between the Macrocosm to Microcosm". Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow, Scotland.
    • - "La magnitut de la petita dimensió" Sala d'actes de La Llacuna, Andorra la Vella, Andorra.
  • 2006 -" The Magnitude of the little dimension. A voyager between the Macrocosm to Microcosm". SNAG conference, Chicago, USA
    • -"La Magnitud de la pequeña dimensión" Universidad de Buenos Aires, Catedra Andrea Salzman. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • 2007 - "2nd Skin cork jewellery" ESAD Escola Superior de Artes e Design, Porto, Portugal
    • - Mudarte, 1º Jornadas artísticas Interdisciplinares "Entornos líquidos: más allá de lo evidente". Comarca de lo Oscos, Asturias, Spain.
    • - "The magnitude of the little dimension". Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn, Estonia.
    • - "La magnitud de la pequeña dimension: Un viaje íntimo entre el macrocosmos y el microcosmos", Primeras jornadas de joyeria tradicional. Museo Etnográfico de Cast illa y León, Zamora. Spain.
    • - "Joyeria Contemporanea", CEARCAL, Valladolid Spain
    • - "A filigrana na joalharia artística da segunda metade do século XX", Congress Reanimar a filigrana. Póvoa de Lanhoso, Portugal.
  • 2008 -"Lo precioso: Buscando el resplandor oculto" and "Nomadas de la memmoria: Construyendo paraisos". CREASMODA, Oviedo, Spain.
    • - "Joies i tresors: La persistència de la bellesa". Cicle de conferències Cicerone. Museum de Arqueologia de Barcelona Spain
    • - "Joies indissenyables: Jewellery from Barcelona", South Carelia Polytechnic, Lappeenranta, Finland.
  • 2010 – "Dialogos 7" Encuentros de Diseño en Velluters, EASD, Escola d'Art I Superior de Disseny, Valencia Spain
    "Grey Area Gris Simposium", México D.F. México.

    Curator and promoter of the exhibitions:
  • -"Joieria Europea Contemporánia", la Caixa, Barcelona, Spain.
  • 1989 -"Premi Internacional de Joieria Massana", Escola Massana, Barcelona, Spain.
  • 1985-86-87-88-89- "Parlant en Plata", Orfebres FAD and Escola Massana, Barcelona, Spain.
  • 1992 -"Joies Indissenyables", Escola Massana, Capella de l´Antic Hospital de la Santa Creu, Barcelona, Spain.
  • -"La joia i La Pedra", Escola Massana, Museu de Geologia, Barcelona.
  • -"Un Art Intim", Escola Massana, Can Mulá, Mollet, Barcelona, Spain.
  • 2000-1 –"Balanced", Zijsprong Gallery, Anwerp, Belgium, and Museu de l´Art de la Pell, Vic, Barcelona, Spain
  • - "Nòmades de la memoria. El viatge com a metáfora del desitg" FAD, Foment de las Arts Decoratives. Barcelona Spain
  • 2006 -"BUE-BOG-BCN. Gestos sobre el cuerpo", CCEBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • 2007 -"150 Anys de Joia", Gallery Al 65. Vilanova i la Geltrú, Barcelona. Spain
  • - "Schmuck 2007", Handwerkskammer für Oberbayern, Munich Germany.

Exhibitions (Solo & Group Shows):

1972 - "Recull d'Artesania", Castellfullit de la Roca, Spain.
1973 -"2 Bienal de Maig", Manresa, Barcelona, Spain
-Premi Ciutat de Barcelona", Barcelona, Spain.
-"Xll Premi joan Miró", Barcelona, Spain.
1974 - Taller Picasso, Barcelona, Spain.
-"Premí Ciutat de Granollers, Art jove", Granollers, Spain.
- Exhibition Escola Massana, Madrid, Spain.
-"Fapillo Papugo Olicavice", Escola Massana, Barcelona, Spain.
-"Puig Cuyàs", Gallery Prisma, Vilanova i la Geltrú, Barcelona, Spain
-"XIII Premi Joan Miró", Barcelona, Spain.
-'Puig Cuyàs", Gallery Pipsa, Barcelona, Spain.
1975 -'Puig Cuyàs', Gallery Gala, Madrid, Spain.
1976 -"Puig Cuyàs', Gallery Barra de Ferro, Barcelona, Spain.
- Sala d'Art Studium 48, Mataró, Barcelona, Spain.
-"Concurs de Internacional de Dibuix Inglada Guillot", Barcelona, Spain
1977 -"Premi Ciutat de Barcelona", Barcelona, Spain,
-'Puig Cuyàs', Escola Massana, Barcelona, Spain.
-"Dibuixos, Escultures i joies", Gallery Barra de Ferro, Barcelona.
-"Hogarhotel 77", A.A.-FAD, Barcelona,Spain.
-"Alfa-Múltiple", A.A.-FAD, Barcelona. Spain
1978 -"Concurs Internacional Inglada Guillot", Barcelona. Spain.
1979 -"Exercicis de recerca plástica a partir del cub", FAD, Barcelona, Spain.
-"Artesania a la Ciutat", FAD, Barcelona, Spain.
-"Puig Cuyás", Palau dels Comtes de Centelles, Centelles, Spain.
-"Puig Cuyás", Gallery Roca, Sabdell, barcelona, Spain.
-"Puig Cuyás", Llibreria La Rambla, Tarragona, Spain.
-"Exposició de Joies", Gallery Joan de Serrallonga, Barcelona, Spain.
1980 -"Joies", Grup Nou, Isaac el Cec, Girona, Spain.
-"Orfebreria", Grup Nou, Estudi Vidal, Sitges, Spain.
- Diamont Center, Antwerp, Belgium.
-"10 Orfevres Spagnols", Art Prospect Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
-Presentació pública d'Orfebres FAD, Capella de Santa Agueda,
Barcelona, Spain.
-"l mostra d'Artesania de Vanguarda", Reials Dressanes, Barcelona,
1981 -"80 Anys de joieria i Orfebreria Catalanes", Casa Macaya, Fundació
LaCaixa, Barcelona, Madrid, Spain.
-"Internationale Schmuckshow", Munich, Germany.
-"Catalunya Avui", UNESCO, Paris, France.
-"Contemporary Catalan Jewelry", Mikimoto Hall, Tokyo. Japan.
-"Jewelry", Am Graben Gallery, Vienna, Austria.
-"Arts in Katalonia", Koblenz, Germany
-"Joieria A.A.-FAD", Palau de Congressos de Barcelona, Spain.
-"Email, Schmuck und Gerát in Geschiste und Gegenwart"
Gallery Am Graben. Itinerary exhibition in Australia
Brisbane, Tasmania, Victoria.
1982 Art Gallery of South Australia
Art Gallery of Western Australia.
Newcastle Region Art Gallery Australia
Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences, Sydney Australia
-"Cronojopios i Fayasmas", Grup Nou, Populart, Barcelona, Spain.
-"Internationale Schmuckshow", Munich, Germany.
-"Históries d'Amor i d'lnquietut", Grup Nou, FAD, Barcelona, Spain.
-"Catalunya viva", Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.
-"Joies", Galeria Laurent, Barcelona, Spain.
-"Arte y Oficio", Palacio de Cristal de la Casa de Campo, Madrid, Spain.
-"82 Tendenzen ?", Jewelry Museum, Pforzheim, Germany.
1983 -"l Bienal Nacional de las Artes Plasticas, Preliminar", Museum
Picasso, Barcelona, y Zaragoza, Madrid, Sevilla, Santander, Spain.
-"Outrasartesanias" , Pazo Municipal da Coruña, a Coruña, Spain.
-"International Jewelry Exhibition",
Isetan Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan.
Nabio Art Gallery, Osaka, Japan.
-"British and European jewelry Exhibition", Helen Drutt Gallery,
Philadelphia, U.S.A.
- "23 Goldschmiede", Gallery Sterntaler, Bonn, Germany.
1984 -"Schmuck und Gerät 1959-84", Munich, Germany.
-"Jewelry International", American Craft Museum, New York, U.S.A.
-"Contemporary jewelry, Australia, Europa, Japan and America"
The National Museum of Modem Art, Kyoto, Japan.
The National Museum of Modem Art, Tokyo, Japan.
-"Spaanse Kunst", Grup Nou, Gallery Nouvelles Images, The Hague,
-"Schmuckfest", Gallery Sterntaler, Bonn, Germany.
1985 -"Espai-limit", Instal-lació, Grup Positura,Fundació Joan Miró,
Barcelona, Spain.
- Gallery Spektrum, Munich, Germany.
-"Usia Rintaveistoksia", Gallery Ph. Debray, Riihimaki, Finland.
-"Form, Formel, Formalismus", Internationale Schmuckshow,
Munich, Germany.
-"Schmuck aus Katalonien-joies de Catalunya, 13 Goldschmiede aus
Barcelona", Jewelry Museum, Pforzheim, Germany.
- Gallery Handwerk, Munich, Germany.
- City Museum, Schwábisch Gmund, Germany.
-"Contemporary Jewelry Redefined, Alternative Materials",
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
-"Jewelry from 1900 to 1985", Electrum Gallery, London, UK
-"25 Sieraden-Ontwerpers", Gallery Nouvelles Images, The Hague Netherlands.
-"Forum für Schmuck und Design", Handwerkskammer, Cologne, Germany.
1986 -"Schmuck aus Katalonien-joies de Catalunya, 13 Goldchmiede aus Barcelona", Gallery Am Graben. Vienna, Austria.
-"Anffenliebe, Hexenbesen und Samurais"
Gallery Spektrum, Munich,Germany.
Schmuckforum Gallery, Zürich, Switzerland.
Beeld & Aambeld, Enschede, Netherlands
Que Van, Knokke, Belgium
-"International Jewellery Art Exhibition"
Yurakucho Art Forum, Tokio, Japan.
Tsukaschin Hall, Osaka, Japan.
-'Art a Porter', "Alta Joieria-", Puig Cuyás, Espai B5-125, Universitat
Autonoma de Barcelona, Barcelona. Spain
-"Negen Catalaanse Edelmeden", Gallery Marzee, Nijmegen, Netherlands
-"5 years Gallery Spektrum", Gallery Spektrum, Munich, Germany
-"Art dels Anys Vuitanta, Catalunya Centre d'Art", Museum de la
Ciutat, Girona, Spain.
-Gallery Sterntaler, Bonn, Germany.
1987 - "Joieria Europea Contemporánia", Fundació Caixa de Pensions, Barcelona
-"Der Barcelona- Schmuck Zehn Goldschmiede aus Katalonia"
-Gallery Sterntaler, Bonn, Germany.
-Gallery Hilde Leiss, Hamburg, Germany.
- Gallery Ámbit, Barcelona, Spain.
-"Phánomen Schmuck-Zeichen am Koerper", Landes Museum
Francisco Carolinum, Linz, Austria.
-"Biennale du Bijoux Contemporain", Hotel du Sense, Paris. France.
-"Schmuck in Bewegung, Bewegung in Schmuck", Deutsches
Goldsmiedehaus, Hanau, Germany.
-"Negen Spaanse",
Gallery Detail, Groningen, Netherlands
Beeld & Aanbeld, Enschede, Netherlands
Trits-Sieraden, Delft, Netherlands.
-"Una Brillant Idea", Espai Positura, Barcelona, Spain.
- Gallery Mattar, Köln, Germany.
1988 -"Saga 88", FIAC. Materie Bijoux, Grand Palais, Paris, France.
- " Puig Cuyás, Joyas', Montiel, Pamplona, Spain
-"Avantgarde Schmuck aus Barcelona", Bank für Sozialwirtschaft,
Cologne, Germany.
- Gallery Gu, Barcelona, Spain.
- Gallery Sterntaler, Bonn, Germany.
- Hipòtesi, Barcelona, Spain.
1989 -"Schmuck von Barcelona", Schmuckforum Gallery, Zürich,
-"10 year", Gallery Metal, Copenhagen, Denmark.
-"Le Bijou Contemporain a Barcelona", Gallery Neon, Brussels,
- "Puig Cuyás, Joies", Hipótesi Barcelona, Spain.
-"Kanunen, Kámme, Coms...... Gallery Marzee, Nijmegen, Netherlands
-"Objectes per a el Cap", Hípotesi, Barcelona, Spain.
-'Puig Cuyás 1989', Gallery Gu, Barcelona, Spain.
-'Puig Cuyás', Gallery Contacto Directo, Lisbon, Portugal.
-"Jewelry: Means, Meaning", Ewing Gallery of Art and Architecture, Knoxville,
-"Ring exhibition", Gallery Jocelyn Gobeil Montreal, Canada.
-"Ornamenta 1", Internationale Schmuckkunst, Jewelry Museum
Pforzheim, Germany
1990 -'Puig Cuyás', Helen Drutt Gallery, New York, U,S.A.
-"Hola Barcelona", Gallery Jocelyne Gobeil, Montréal, Canada.
-"Puig Cuyás",(Impressions der Atlantis), Gallery Hilde Leiss,
Hamburg, Germany.
-"European Triennial of jewelry", Museum du Luxenburg, Paris, France
-"Metalwork from Barcelona", Southwest Texas University State Art Gallery
San Marcos, T., U.S.A.
-"Amphoria", Gallery Jocelyne Gobeil, Montréal, Canada.
- Gallery of Functional Art, Santa Mónica, CA., U.S.A.
-"Weinachts Schmuck", Sterntaler, Bonn,Germany.
-"9 Catalonian jewelers", Southeastern Massachussets University
Art Gallery, North Dartmounth, MA., U.S.A.
-"Haarspalterei", Museum for Applied Art Cologne Germany.
-"Kamm", Museum Bellerive, Zürich, Switzerland.
1991 -"Bijoux, Joyas, Gíoelli", Phare Sud, Gruissan, France.
-"Art et Bijoux", Atelier Metal, Martigues, France.
-"Un Siglo de Joyeria y Bisuteria Española", La Llotja, Palma de Mallorca.
- "Puig Cuyás- Xavier Dornenech-", Gallery Louise Smit, Amsterdam
-"Apero", Schmuckforum, Zürich, Switzerland.
- Gallery Knaut & Hagen, Bonn, Germany.
1992 -"Design aus Spanien", Museum for Applied Art Cologne Germany.
-"Schmuckszene 92", I.H.M., Munich Germany.
-"Spanische Schmuck-Kunst aus Barcelona", Gallery Slavik, Vienna Austria
-"10 jewelers from Spaín", The Scottish Gallery, Edinburgh.UK
-"Triennale du Bijou 1992", Musée des Arts Decoratifs, Paris.
-"New Arts Form", Gallery Jocelyne Gobeil, Chicago, U.S.A.
-"Helen Drutt Collection", Taideteollisuumuseo, Helsinki, Finland.
"Smycken 1960-1990, The Helen Williams Drutt Collection",
Röhsska Museem, Gothenburg, Sweden.
-"Contemporary Jewellery: America, Europe, Israel and Japan"
Helen Drutt Gallery,Philadelphia, U.S.A.
-"Schmuck zu Weihnachten", Knauth & Hagen, Bonn, Germany.
-"Schmuck+ Ziera(r)t", Schmuckforum, Zürich, Switzerland.
- Die Werkstatt Gallery, Berlin, Germany.
1993 -"La Joia de la Joia. Una visió de L'orfebreria catalana actual", FAD,
Saló del Tinell, Barcelona, Spain.
-"Facet 1", International Jewelry Biennial, Kunsthal, Rotterdam Netherlands
-"Kunststoff Schmuck Kunst 1923-1993", Gallery Biró, Munich Germany
-"Schmuck: Die Sammlung der Danner-Stiftung", Gallery for Applied Art
Munich, Germany.
-"Amulet", Gallery Marzee, Níjmegen, Netherlands.
-"Soirs d´été", Puig Cuyás, Gallery Jocelyn Gobeil, Montréal. Canada
-"Subjects", Design Forum, Helsinki, Finland.
-"Contemporary Crafts and the Saxe Collection", Toledo Museum
of Art, Toledo, OH., U.S.A.
-"Contemporary Jewellery, 1964-1993", Selected works Helen
Williams Drutt Collection, The Arkansas Art Center Decorative
Arts Museum. U.S.A.
-"93 The Art of Jewelry", Japan Jewelry Designers Association.
Setagaya Art Museum, Tokio, Japan.
Itami City Craft Centre, Osaka, Japan.
-"Broches, epingles, Fibules", Gallery Hélén Porée, París, France.
-"Schmuck aus Barcelona", Gallery Eva Tiller, Vienna, Austria.
-"Schmuck zu Weihnachten", Gallery Knaut&Hagen, Bonn, Germany.

-"In Touch", International Crafts Exhibition, De Sandvigske Samlinger
Maihaugen, Lillehammer, Norway. -"Schmuckszene 94", 1.H.M., Munich,
-"Schmuck aus Spanien, Escola Massana-Barcelona", Gallery Unart, Villach,
-Contemporary Crafts and the Saxe Collection",
The Saint Louis Art Museum
Newport Harbor art Museum, Newport Beach, CA.U.S.A.
-"Schmuck unserer Zeit 1964-1993", Museum Bellerive, Zürich, Switzerland.
-"Bages", Gallery Héléne Porée, París, France.
-"Ein Láchlen in einer Sommernacht", Gallery Slavik, Vienna Austria.
-"Müanyag ékszereket",(Kunststoff Schmuck Kunst,1923-1993)
Iparmüvészeti Museum, Budapest, Hungary.
-"Arts Decoratives a Barcelona, col-leccions per a un museu",
Palau de la Virreina, Barcelona, Spain.
- Gallery Knauth&Hagen, Bonn, Germany.
-"Sieraden 1964-1994, from collection Helen Williams Drutt, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam Netherlands
-"L'Unique et le Multiple", Gallery Héléne Porée, París, France.
-"Weihnachtsausstelung", Gallery Slavik, Vienna, Austria.

-"Contemporary Crafts and the Saxe Collection",
Renwick Gallery Crafts of the National Museum of American Art, Smithsonian
Institution Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
-"Duft", Schmuckforum Gallery, Zürich, Switzerland. Centre d'Arts Appliqués,
Genéve, Switzerland. Gallery Marzee, Nijmegen, Netherlands.
-Gallery Knauth & Hagen, Bonn, Germany.
- "Ramon Puig Cuyás ". Gallery Marzee, Nijmegen, Netherlands
-"Puig Cuyás, Xavier Domenech, Judy McCaig",
Gallery für Neue Schmuck, Hannover, Germany.
Gallery Helga Malten, Dormund, Germany.
-"La joia i el dibuix", Hipòtesi, Barcelona, Spain.
-Gallery Tactus, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Positionen der Avangarde, Zwei Goidschmiede aus Barcelona,
Puig Cuyás + Xavier Domenech," Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg,
-Moderne Sieraden, 1964 - 1993, from the collection of Helen Drutt,U.S.A."
Museum of Modern Art, Oostende, Belgium.
-"Orfébrerie et Bíjou Contemporains", Chateau Musée Cagnes-sur- Mer France
-"La joia i la pedra", Museu de Geología, Escola Massana, Barcelona.
-'Puig Cuyás + Xavier Domenech" British Crafts Councill, London UK
-"Kunststoff Schmuck Kunst", Gallery Biro , Deutsche Bank, Duesseldorf Germany
- "Retrospektive, Puig Cuyás", Gallery Schmuckforum, Zürich.
-"Ramon Puig Cuyás - Ex/Posicions Própies" 9 Sala Busquets,
Escola Massana, Barcelona, Spain.
- "Ramon Puig Cuyás, von Seee und andere Sternen, Zeichungen
und Schmuck, 1980 – l996". Gallery Biró, Munich, Germany.
-"10 Years Crafts, the Scottish Gallery", Scottish Gallery, Edinburgh, UK
-"Un Art Intim", Escola Massana, Can Mulá, Mollet, Barcelona, Spain.
-"Duft", Gallery V&V, Vienna, Austria.
-"Subjects, 96", Retretti Art Centre, Punkaharju, Finland.
-" ... Du Contemporain. Bijoux et Orfebrerie de createurs", Chateau Musée,
Cagnes sur-Mer, France.
-'Puig Cuyás, Retrospective Exhibition, 1980 - 1996
Gallery Amarna, Maastricht, Netherlands
-"Ramon Puig Cuyás" Gallery Hélén Porée, Paris, France.
-"Ramon Puig Cuyás", Gallery Spandow, Berlin, Germany.
-"Kunstoff Schmuck Kunst", Gallery Biró/Hoechst AG, Foyer des
Gebades C 660. Frankfurt. Germany

1997 –"Puig Cuyás" Galeria Magari, Barcelona
-"Carmen", Gallerie Metallum, Stocholm, Sweden.
- Galeria Hipotésis, Barcelona, Spain.
-"ll Colore nella GioilleriaContemporanea"
Studio GR-20, Arti Applicate XX Secolo, Padova, Italia.
-"Mira", Schmuck aus Barcelona.
Galerie Profil, Regensburg, Germany.
Galerie 8 1/2, Freising, Germany.
Artefakt, München, Germany.
Galerie Spandow, Berlin.
-"Puig Cuyás- Joaquim Capdevila", Galerie Slavik, Wien, Austria.
-"Puig Cuyás", Galerie Aurum, Frankfurt, Germany.
-"Le Plaisír de I'object. Nouveau regard sur les arts decoratifs du XXe. siécle"
(Designed for Delight.Alternative Aspects of 20th Decorative Arts)
Museum of Decorative Arts, Montréal, Quebec, Canada.Canadian Museum of Civilization, Hull, Quebec, Canada.
Cincinnati Art Museum, Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A.
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, Virginia, U.S.A.
J.B. Speed Art Museum, Luisville, Kentucky, U.S.A.
Die Neue Sammlung, Munich, Germany.
Muzeum Narodowe w Krakowie, Krakow, Poland.
Museum of Decorative Arts, Paris, France.
- Muzeum Ceského Ráje v Turnové, Turnov, Czech Republic
-"Der Ring- Kultur ohne Ende", Gallery Spandow, Berlin. Germany
-"Gioíelli di fine millenio". Fattidarte, Piacenza, Italy.
- "Puig Cuyàs, Illes" , Introit, Vic, Spain.
- " Gioielli di fine millenio", Fattidarte, Piacenza, Italy.
-"Een sierlijk dozijn". Beeld & Aambeeld, Enschede, Netherlands
1998 -"Opera Prima", Gallery Magari, Barcelona. Spain
-"Archipelago"Puig Cuyás," Gallery Sofie Lachaert, Antwerp, Belgium.
- "Jewelry Today", Royal Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh, UK
- Gallery Hélène Poree, Paris, France.
1999 - "Schmuckakzente", Gallery Slavik, Vienna Austria.
-"Scmuckszene 99". I.H.M. Munich, Germany.
-"Hommage an Herbert Hofmann", Gallery Handwerk, Munich, Germany.
- "La renaissance du bijou", Gallery Pilzer, Paris, France
-"Eewig genegen", Gallery Beeld & Aambeeld, in Overijssels Centrum Beeldende
Kunsten, Zwolle, Netherlands
- "Joies i altres emocions", Gallery d'art contemporaní Maria Villalba i Badia,
Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain.
-"Jewelrymaker, Shaman?", Beurs van Berlage, Rokin, Amsterdam, Netherlands
-'Puig Cuyás", Aurum Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark.
-"Gioielli contemporanei. L'alternativa al prezioso" Studio GR-20, Padova, Italy.
-"Schmuck. Kunst am Körper, Contemporary jewelry. Art to wear".
Gallery Slavik. Vienna, Austria.
-"Twentieth Century Art the Turn of the Millennium" Helen Drutt,
Philadelphia, U.S.A.
-"Ten Days X Ten Years", a selection of jewelry from ten international artists
symposium in Turnov Czech Republic
Kipp Gallery: Departrnent of Art, Indiana University IN.
Hiestand Galleries:
School of Fíne Arts, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio.

-"Sieraadmaker: Shaman?", Gallery Talstrasse, Halle, Germany.
- "Balanced" Gallery Zijsprong, Antwerp, Belgium.
-"Designed for delight". Beurs van Berlage, Amsterdam. Netherlands
-"Ramon Puig Cuyás", Hellen Drutt Gallery, Philadelphia, U.S.A.
-"La Joia Creada", Escola Massana, Fachhochschule Duesseldorf, Germany.
-"Artes Decorativas del Siglo XX: Aspectos originales:" Fundación Pedro
Barrié de la Maza, A Coruña, Spain.
-" 3 Atelierausstellung" Atelier Tom Munsteiner, Stipshausen, Germany.
-"Alles Schmuck". Sammlung Inge und Elisabeth Asenbaum. Museum für
Gestaltung, Zürich. Switzerland.
-"The Ego Adorned". 20th- Century Artists´Jewelry. Koningin Fabiolazaal,
Antwerp, Belgium.
-"Ornaments from there, ornaments from here, incidences, coincidences?"
(Parures d´ailleurs- Parures d´ici)
Museum of Applied Contemporary Arts and Design, Lausanne, Switzerland.
-"Ramon Puig Cuyàs", Gallery Marzee, Nijmegen, Netherlands.
-"Gioielleria contemporanea in Europa", Palazzo Cavendramin Calergi, Venice, Italy.
- "Gioielli Contemporanei; L'Alternativa al Prezioso", Studio GR.20, Padova, Italy
-"Spectaculum" Gallery Biró- Tarbekunstimuuseumis, Tallin, Estonia.

-"Balanced", Escola Massana-Karel der Grote, Museu de l¨Art de la Pell, Vic,
Barcelona. Spain
-"Giolleria contemporanea in Europa", Studio GR20- Oratorio di S. Rocco,
Padova, Italy.
-"El laboratori de la joieria" Museum of Decorative Arts de Barcelona. Spain
-"The Ring" , Mobilia Gallery, Cambridge, Massachusetts. U.S.A.
Charles A. Wustum of Fine Arts Museum Racine, WI. U.S.A.
-S.O.F.A. New York. repr. by Hellen Drutt Galery. U.S.A.
-"Micromegas", Gallery for Applied Arts, Munich, Germany.
American Craft Museum, New York, U.S.A.
-"Jewelry from Barcelona",Velvet da Vinci Gallery, San Francisco, CA. U.S.A.
-"Schmuck hier, Schmuck anderswo, Verwandtschaft oder zufall?
(Parures d´ailleurs- Parures d´ici), Gewerbe Museum Wintertur, Switzerland.
-"Crafts at the turn of the millennium", Helen Drutt Gallery at The Monmoth
Museum, Lincroft, New Jersey, U.S.A.
- S.O.F.A.Chicago. repr. by Hellen Drutt Gallery. U.S.A.
-"Bijou contemporain. Colletion de la ville". Espace Solidor, Cagnes-sur-Mer, France
-"Objects for Dreams", Aurum Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark
-"Ringe von 33 Schmuckkünstlern", Gallery Stühler, Berlin, Germany

-"The Ring", Mobilia Gallery, Colorado Springs Art Centre, Colorado Springs,
Colorado, U.S.A.
University of Texas, El Paso, Texas, U.S.A.
-"Markers in Contemporary Metal", Samuel Dorsky Museum, New Paltz, NY USA
-"Schmuckszene 2002" Handwerk Fair Munich, Germany.
-"El broche", Forum Ferlandina, Barcelona, Spain.
-"Joyaux d´Espagne", Espace Solidor, Cagnes-sur-Mer, France.
-Schmuck 2002, International Contemporary Jewelry Munich Germany
The Dick Institute, Kilmarnock, UK
-"Natur und Zeit", Deutsches Goldschmiedehaus Hanau, Hanau, Germany.
-"Micromegas", Musée de l´Horlogerie, Genève, Switzerland.
Galerie Yu, Tokyo, Japan.
-" 10 years Gallery Biró, Neue Arbeiten von 25 internationalen Schmuckkünstlern", Gallery Biró, Munich Germany
-"Made in Spain", Ramon Puig Cuyàs, Teresa Estapé, Guigui Kohon, Rita de Oliveira, Itxaso Mezzacasa, Silvia Walz. Gallery Caractère, Neuchatel, Switzerland.
-"PUIG CUYÀS, Marques Cardinals", Espai El 65, Vilanova i la Geltrú,
Barcelona, Spain.
-"RAMON PUIG CUYÀS- Himmelsrichtungen",Gallery Biró, Munich Germany.
-SOFA CHICAGO 2002, repr. by Helen Drutt,Chicago, U,S.A.
-"Beyond Ornament: Contemporary Jewelry", Helen Drutt & Wexler Gallery,
Philadelphia, PA. U.S.A.
-"Matèria sensible", Escola Massana & Centre Permanent d´Artesania, Barcelona. Spain
-Joieria contemporànea, Òxida Joias, Lleida, Spain.

-"Chess" Velvet da Vinci Gallery, San Francisco, CA, USA
Vennel Gallery, Irvine, UK
The Gallery, Ruthin Craft Centre, Denbigshire, Wales. UK
Crafts Council Shop, Victoria & Albert Museum London, UK
Thomas Mann Gallery, New Orleans, LA. USA:
-"Cuaderno de Viagem, Joias de Ramon PUIG CUYAS", Gallery Tereza Seabra,
Lisbon, Portugal.
-"Silver Schools" Escola Massana. Gallery Sztuki, Legnica, Poland.:Stanko Gallery, Wroklaw.;Yes Gallery, Poznan.: BWA, Zielona Góra.: BWA Leszno.: Bielak Gallery, Krakow, Poland.
-"Micromegas, art on a pin". Powerhouse Museum, Science+Design, Sydney,
-"Micromegas". John Curtin Gallery, Bentley, WA, Australia
- "Micromegas" Hiko Mizuno College of Jewelry, Tokyo, Japan.
- "Micromegas", Oratorio San Rocco, Padova, Italy.
- Taller Moncada, Barcelona, Spain.
-"Valuables Jewelry in the New Millenium, MOFCA, San Francisco, CA. USA.
-"Valuable Links", Centre Céramique, Maastricht, Netherlands
-" A Thirty Year Retrospective: Selected Artists´Works", Helen Drutt, Philadelphia
International Airport, Philadelphia, U.S.A.


-"Valuable Links", National Gallery for Foreign Art, Sofia, Bulgaria.
-"Valuable Links", The Austrian Museum of Folk Life and Folk Art, Vienna, Austria.
- "Landscape Jewelry", Alternatives Gallery, Rome, Italy.
- "Ponto de encontro-Meeting point(s)", Centro de Arte Moderna José de Azevedo
Perdigâo, Fundaçao Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon, Portugal.
- "Collect" , Velvet da Vinci Gallery, Victoria & Albert Museum, London. UK.
- "Ramon Puig Cuyás, Sieraden" Gallery Beeld & Aambeeld, Enschede, Netherlands
-"El laboratori de la joieria", Museu de la Indumentaria, Barcelona. Spain
-"L'Or, bijoux d'Europe, Creation contemporaine",
- Cité de l'Or, Saint Amand Montrond. France.
- Chateau Musée de Grimaldi, Cagnes-sur-Mer, France.
- Musée de la Mode, Marseille, France. (2005)
- Musée du Luxembourg, Paris, France. (2005)
-"Qua-art/ 25 years Gallery Beeld & Aambeeld, Enschede, Netherlands
-"Ramon Puig Cuyàs, 1996-2004", Hipòtesi Gallery, Barcelona. Spain
- "Leveza-Lightness" Reanimar a Filigrana, ESAD Escola Superior de Artes e design, Matosinhos & Museo du Ouro de travassos, Portugal.
-Centro Regional de Artes Tradicionais, Porto, Portugal.
-Biblioteca Museo da Camara Municipal, Caminha, Portugal.
-Centro Cultural Raiano, Diana Nova, Portugal,
- "Schöpfung" Gallery D'Orado, Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany.
-"Augenweide, Internationale Schmuk-Kunst". Cellini Schmuk Gallery, Schwäbisch Hall, Germany.
-"Jewelry, the Choice of the European Parliament", Gallery Marzee, Nijmegen, Netherlands
- "Bijou Contemporain; Fons Permanent", Espace Solidor, Cagnes-sur-Mer, France.
- "Sieraden uit Spanje" Gallery Beeld & Aambeeld, Enschede, Netherlands
-"200 Rings, Celebrating 1000 Rings by Lark Books,
-Velvet da Vinci, San Francisco, U.S.A.
-Obsidian Gallery, Tucson, AZ. U.S.A. (2005)
-Gallery M, Cleveland, OH, U.S.A. (2005)
-Shaw Gallery, Northeast Harbor, ME, U.S.A. (2005)
-Facere Gallery, Seattle, WA. U.S.A. (2006)
-"Naturalismo Memorialismo Citazionismo nella Giolleria Contemporanea, 2000-2004", Studio GR 20, Padova, Italy.
-"Poètica", Ôpera Joies, Vilafranca del Penedès, Barcelona. Spain
- "Winter Exhibition", Alternatives Gallery, Rome, Italy.

2005 - "Leveza-Lightness" Reanimar a Filigrana,
Gallery Almedina, Arco de Almedina, Coimbra, Portugal.
Sala de Exposiçôes da ADPM, Mértola, Portugal.
Museo Nacional de Etnologia, Lisbon, Portugal.
Pavilhâo Centro Cultural, Coimbra, Portugal.
- "Ramon Puig Cuyàs, Walled Gardens", International Showcase 2005, Contemporary Applied Arts, London, UK
- "Colour-Jewelry-Art", Gallery Slavik, Vienna, Austria.
-"El Laboratorio de la Joyería. 1940-1990" Museo Etnografico de Castilla y León. Zamora, Spain.
- "Maker-Wearer- Wiever", Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow, Scotland UK
Scottish Gallery, Edinburgh, Scotland. UK
Gallery Marzee, Nijmegen, Netherlands
-"Schmuckszene 2005", I.H.M., Munich, Germany.
- Interstellar Spring Show, Gallery Johan S. Helsinki, Finland.
-Farbe-Schmuck-kunst" Gallery Slavik, Vienna, Austria.
- European triennial of contemporary jewelry 2005, WCC-BF, Chateau de Seneffe, Belgium.
-"Sommerfeste" , Gallery Handwerk, Munich, Germany.
-"L'Or, bijoux d'Europe, Creation contemporaine"
- Maison des Arts de Pézénas, France.
- Espace Solidor, Cagnes-sur-Mer, France.
-"Jaume Mercadé i la joia d'art. Paisatges de solapa".
Sala d'exposicions Caixa de Tarragona, Tarragona, Spain.
Museu de Valls, Tarragona, Spain.
-"100 Brooches, Celebrating 500 brooches by Lark Books"
Velvet da Vinci Gallery, San Francisco, CA. U.S.A.
East Carolina University School of Art and Design. U.S.A.
Bellagio Gallery, Ashville, NC. U.S.A.
Pacini Lubel Gallery, Seattle, WA. U.S.A.
-"West-East Dialogues" (Bati-Dogu Diyaloglari). Hagia Sophia Museum, Sultanhamet,
Istanbul, Turkey. And Gaspar Aitiev Kyrgyz National Museum of Fine Arts, Kyrgystan.
- "Leveza-Lightness" Reanimar a Filigrana,
-Foment de les Arts Decoratives, FAD, Barcelona Spain
-"Lightness, reviving the filigree" Fashion Museum Hasselt, Hasselt, Belgium
-"Art Mar, Biennal de la Mediterrània 2005", Museum Maritim, Barcelona. Spain
-"Ramon Puig Cuyàs, Walled Gardens", Gallery Hnoss , Gothenburg, Sweden.
-Gallery Slavik, Vienna, Austria.
-"30th Anniversary of Neon Gallery" , Gallery Cap d'Art, Genval, Belgium.
- "OH! International Contemporary Jewelry Showcase" Objects of Desire Gallery, Louisville, KY U.S.A.
- "Artesania i Societat", Artesania Catalunya, Barcelona. Spain
2006 - "Ramon Puig Cuyàs, Walled Gardens", Gallery Marzee, Nijmegen, Netherlands
-"Schmuckkunst im Dialog, Ramon Puig-Cuyàs, Alexandra Lisboa" Gallery Slavik, Vienna, Austria.
-"LOOT!", Museum of Art and Design, N.Y., U.S.A.
- Der Goldene Schnitt, Karlsruhe, Germany.
- "Good Luck! Amulette, Glücksbringer &Co." Silberwarenfabrik Ott-Pauser,Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany.
- SOFA New York 2006, Hurong Lou Gallery in consultation with Helen Drutt, New York, USA.
-" El Laboratorio de la Joyería" 1940- 1990", Museo del Traje, Madrid. Spain
-"Challenging the Châtelaine!, Design Museum Helsinki, Finland.
-"Bijoux contemporain de Barcelona", Gallery Noel Guyomarc'h, Montréal, Canada.
-"BUE-BOG-BCN gestos sobre el cuerpo" CCEBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- "Émail, bijoux et objects émaillés" Gallery Héléne Porée, Paris, France.
- "Ramon Puig Cuyàs,- Umschlossene Gaerten – Imago Mundi", Gallery Biró,
Munich, Germany.
- " Pensieri Preziosi 3 – affinità e differenze nei gioielli di Ramon Puig Cuyas,
D.Kruger, R.Peters, G Visintin", Oratorio di San Roco, Padova, Italy.
2007 "Dis ans! Ten years!" Gallery Noel Guyomar'c, Montréal, Canada.
-"Collect". repr. by Alternatives Gallery, Victoria & Albert Museum, London UK
-" El Laboratori de la Joieria" 1940- 1990", Museu de Granollers, Barcelona. Spain
-"Challenging the Châtelaine!",
Applied Art and Design Museum, Tallin, Estonia.
Ilias Lalaounis Jewelry Museum, Acropolis, Greece
-Gallery Pedras e Passegos, Porto, Portugal.
- "150 Anys de joia", Al 65, Vilanova i la Geltrú, Barcelona. Spain
-"La joia dibuixada". Gallery Prisma, Vilanova i la Geltrú, Barcelona. Spain
-"Collectables", Alternatives Gallery, Rome, Italy.
- "Ramon Puig Cuyàs; Imago Mundi", Hipotesis, Barcelona. Spain
-"Bijoux d'or et bijoux d'argent: Métamorphose d'une tradition au 20e. Siècle"
Musée des Beaux-Arts de Montreal and Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg. Russia
- "2nd. SKIN cork jewelry"
Biblioteca de Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal
Villa Bengel, Idar-Oberstein, Germany.
Gallery Johan S, Helsinki, Finland.
-"New Jewelry: Ramon Puig Cuyàs – Silvia Walz". Velvet da Vinci, San Francisco, USA
-"Ornament as Art: Avant-Garde Jewelry from the Helen Williams Drutt Collection"
The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, USA.
- "New Jewelry, Ramon Puig Cuyas and Silvia Walz". Velvet da Vinci,
San Francisco, USA.
- "Wood You?", Kath Libbert Jewelry Gallery, Salts Mill, UK
- "Anti-War Medals", Thomas Mann Gallery, New Orleans. U.S.A.
- "Glass Wear, Glass in Contemporary Jewelry", Toledo Museum of Art, Toledo, USA.
- "Ramon Puig Cuyàs – Silvia Walz, Joies", Al 65, Vilanova I la Geltrú, Spain.
- "Lucca Preziosa 2007, Timetables", Museu Tèxtil i d'indumentària, Barcelona. Spain
- "Gioielleria Contemporanea: Robert Baines, Karl Fritsch, Fritz Maierhofer, Ramon
Puig Cuyas". Studio GR-20 Padova, Italy.
- "Gioielli Contemporanei; artisti orafi e orafi artisti", Saletta Tergesteo, Trieste. Italy
- "Diversa-mente", Gallery New Space, Trieste. Italy.
- "Zwischen den Jahren" Gallery Pilartz, Cologne, Germany.
2008 -"Challenging the Châtelaine!,
Design Museum, Ghent, Belgium
SM´s Stedelijk Museum's Hertogenbosch, Netherlands.
Künstlerhaus, Vienna, Austria
- "2nd. SKIN cork jewelry"
Applied Art and Design Museum, Tallin, Estonia.
Gallery Ra, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Centre Permanent d'Artesania., Barcelona. Spain
- "Glass Wear, Glass in Contemporary Jewelry",
Pforzheim Jewelry Museum, Germany.
Glazen Huis, Lommel, Belgium.
- "Out of the Shell", Gallery Loupe, Montclair, NJ, USA
Myers School of Art at the University of Akron, OH, USA.
- "Ramon Puig Cuyas", Gallery Pilartz, Cologne, Germany.
- Gallery Handwerk – 40 years", Gallery Handwerk, Munich, Germany.
- "Schmuck 2008",International Craft Fair , Munich, Germany.
School of Jewelry, Birmingam City University, U.K.
Miejska Gallery Sztuki, Gallery Willa, Lodz, Poland.
-"De main à main" (From hand to hand) MUDAC, Museum of Design and Cont. Applied Arts Lausanne, Switzerland.
- "Gioielleria Contemporanea: Robert Baines, Karl Fritsch, Fritz Maierhofer, Ramon
Puig Cuyas". Studio GR20 - La Ruota, Cortina D'Ampetzzo, Italy.
-"Ornament as Art: Avant-Garde Jewelry from the Helen Williams Drutt Collection"
Renwick Gallery of the Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, D.C.
-"Gioielleria Contemporanea: Collezionismo a Padova", Studio GR-20, Padova. Italy
-" Cinc Joiers, cinc universos", Carmen Amador, Marta Boix, Judy McCaig, Ramon
Puig Cuyàs, Silvia Walz. Boutique Coral, Llançà, Spain.
- "Michael Zobel curates, Adornment for the 21st. century", Patina Gallery,
Santa Fé, NM, USA.
- "Jewelry in Transition", curated by Ralph Turner. Glynn Vivian Art Gallery, Swansea, Wales. UK
- SOFA Chicago, represented by Patina Gallery.
- "TALENtous 08", Isabel Canseco, espacio de joyería contemporánea, Oviedo,
2009 - "Ramon Puig Cuyàs – Imago Mundi y Utopos" Isabel Canseco Gallery, Oviedo,
- "Puig Cuyàs – Silvia Walz", Gallery Luis Mendez, Salamanca, Spain.
- "Collect" Staatchi Gallery, repr. by Alternatives Gallery, London. UK
-"Crossing the Border",
Gallery Art Link, Seoul. Korea
Gallery Baum, Heyri. Korea
- "West – East Dialogues, Great Silk Road",
Kirghiz National Museum of Arts of G. Ajtieva. Kyrghistan.
-"Challenging the Châtelaine!, Philadelphia Art Alliance, Philadelphia, U.S.A.
- "Glass Wear, Glass in Contemporary Jewelry",
Art Museum of South Texas, Corpus Christie. USA
Memorial Art Gallery, University of Rochester, New York.
Museum of Art and Design, New York.
Mobile Museum of Art, Mobile, AL.
- "2nd. Skind Cork Jewellery" . ESADvArt and Design Academy, Matoosinhos,
- Gallery Pilartz, Cologne. Germany.
- "Ramon Puig Cuyàs – Utopos", Gallery Biró, Munich. Germany.
- "Ilgioiello Contemporaneo incontra il Mediterraneo- Terra di Mazzo"
MAAAC- Museo e Archivio degli Artista Abruzzesi Contemporanei, Castello
Medievale di Nocciano, Pescara, Itàly
- "Lingam",
Konstfack, Stockholm, Sweden
- "Garbage Pin Project",
- MCO Gallery, Porto, Portugal
- Silke & Fleischer Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium.
- Articula, Lisbon. Portugal.
- Centre d'Art Santa Mónica, Barcelona. Spain
- "West – East Dialogues Great Silk Road", Kirghiz National Museum of Arts of G.
Ajtieva, Kyrghiztan.
- "Puig Cuyàs – Silvia Walz", Gallery Noel Guyomarch. Montreal, Canadá.
- "Pensieri Preziosi 5 –La llibertat de la joia: Innovazione, colore ed energia: gioielli
dalla Scuola Massana di Barcelona" Oratorio San Rocco Padova, Italy.
- "Paradigma". School of Jewelry – Escola Massana, Birmingham City
University, School of Jewelry, Birmingham, UK
- "Bijoux Contemporains des artistes de la galerie", Gallery Hélène Porée, Paris.France
"Ramon Puig Cuyàs – Utopos", Marzee Gallery, Nijmegen, Netherlands
SOFA Chicago, repr. by Charon Kransen Arts USA
2010 - "Lingam", Museum Catharijneconvent, Utrecht, Netherlands.
- "Lingam: 121 Symboles de fertilité contemporains". World Crafts Council –
Belgique Francophone, Soite des Anciens Abattoirs, Mons, Belgium.
- "Paradigma". Escola Massana - Birmingham City University, Sala Busquets,
Escola Massana, Barcelona. Spain
- "The Essence of Nature", Taboo Studio Jewellery Gallery, San Diego, CA.,
-"Schmuck 2010" Int. Craft Fair Munich, Germany.
- "Le verre dans tous ses eclats" , Gallery Noel Guyomarc'h, Montreal, Canadá.
- "Collect " Saatchi Gallery. repr. by Gallery Marzee. London. UK
- SOFA New York, repr. by Charon Kransen Arts. New York, U.S.A.
SOFA West, Santa Fe, repr. by Charon Kransen Arts USA
Art Palm Beach, repr. by Charon Kransen Arts USA
Miami Int. Art Fair Miami, repr. by Charon Kransen Arts USA

Awards / Grants:

  • 1975 - Prize "Fi de Carrera" of the Fundació General Mediterránea Barcelona, Spain.
  • 1981 - Prize "Herbert Hofmann", Schmuckszene 1981 Munich, Germany.
  • 1984 - Stipendium from Catalonia Goverment, Barcelona,Spain.
  • 1984 - Prize "Herbert Hofmann", Schmuck und Gerät, Munich Germany.
  • 1985 - Grant from Catalonia Goverment, for to produce one experimental videotape, Barcelona, Spain.
  • 1994 - Prize "Herbert Hofmann", Schmuckszene 94, Munich, Germany.
  • 2002 – Premi Ciutat de Barcelona de Disseny. Menció Especial del Jurat, Ajuntament de Barcelona, Spain.
  • 2009 – Diploma Mestre Artesà, Generelitat de Catalunya, Barcelona. Spain

Collections (Private & Museum):

  • Badisches Landes Museum, Karlsruhe, Germany.
  • Copoteca FAD, Foment de las Arts Decoratives, Barcelona. Spain
  • Die Neue Sammlung. State Museum of Applied Art. Design in Pinakothek der Moderne. Munich. On permanent loam
  • from the Danner Foundation, Munich. Germany
  • Fons permanent du Bijou Contemporain, Cagnes-sur-Mer, France.
  • Inge Asenbaun Collection, Vienna Austria.
  • Kunstindustri Museum, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Marzee Collection, Nijmegen, Netherlands
  • Museum of Fine Arts, Montréal, Canada.
  • Museum of Decorative Arts Barcelona Spain
  • Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg, Germany.
  • Museum of Arts and Design, New York. U.S.A.
  • Museum of Fine Arts Houston, The Helen W.Drutt Collection, Houston. U.S.A.
  • Museum Ceského Ráje v Turnove, Turnov, Czech Republic
  • Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustri Museum, Trondheim, Norway.
  • Samuel Dorsky Museum of Art, New Paltz, New Yok, U.S.A.
  • Jewelry Museum, Pforzheim, Germany.
  • The Cooper Hewitt Museum, New York, U.S.A.
  • The Dorothy and George Saxe Collection, Menlo Park, CA, U.S.A.
  • The Royal College of Art at the Victoria and Albert Museum. London, UK
  • Racine Art Museum, Racine, WI, U.S.A.
  • Helena and Lasse Palhman, Espoo, Finland.


  • - Puig Cuyàs. R. "Phänomen Schmuck-Zeichen am Körper", Catalog. Landes Museum Francisco Carolinum, 1987. Linz, Austria.
  • - Puig Cuyàs, R. "Aufbruchstimmung in Spanien", magazine Art Aurea, núm. 2 de1987.
    Pàg. 76, 77. Ulm/Donau, Germany.
  • - Puig Cuyàs, R. "1ère. Biennale du Bijou" Catalog, Hotel de Sens. Biblioteque Forney. Ed. Matiere-Bijou. Paris, 1987. France.
  • - Puig Cuyàs, R. "Jewelry in Barcelona", magazine Art Aurea, pàg, 42 a 48. nº 3, 1988. Ulm/Donau, Germany.
  • - Puig Cuyàs, R. "Jewelry: Means: Meaning", catalog, pàg. 40 56. Publisher Ewing Gallery of Art and Architecture, The University of Tennessee,1989, Knoxville, Tennessee, U.S.A.
  • - Puig Cuyàs, R. i Domenech. Revista Impressions Paral·leles, núm. 3, any 1. pág. 4.
    "Joies Indisenyables". Ed. Escola Massana. Barcelona. Spain.
  • - Puig Cuyàs, R. "IIIeme. Triennale du Bijou", catalog Museum of Decorative Arts Paris,
    Éditions du May, 1992, Paris, France.
  • - Puig Cuyàs, R. "Kunststoff Schmuck Kunst 1923-1993", catalog, pàg. 48-49, Gallery Biró, 1993, Munich, Germany.
  • - Puig Cuyàs, R. "Soirs d´étè", catalog from Gallery Jocelyne Gobeil, 1993, Montrèal, Canada.
  • - Puig Cuyàs, R. "Orfèvrerie et bijou contemporains", catalog, pàg.68. 1995, Chateau Musée, Cagnes-sur-mer, France.
  • - Puig Cuyàs, R. "La joia i la pedra", catalog, 1995, Museum de Geologia i Escola Massana, Barcelona, Spain.
  • - Puig Cuyàs, R. "Dibuixos de taller, Ramon Puig Cuyàs", with text of Daniel Giralt Miracle, Temes de Joieria Contemporània,1995, Renart Edicions i Hipòtesi, Barcelona.
  • - Puig Cuyàs, R. "Un art íntim", catalog, pàg. 4 i 5, Centre cultural Can Mulà, Mollet, Barcelona.
  • - Puig Cuyàs, R. "Discipline artistiche", dins l´article dedicat a l´Escola Massana, pàg. 137 a 144, magazine Interni, nº 472 de 1997, Milan, Italy
  • - Puig Cuyàs, R. "La nueva joyería", "La joyería", coordination of Carles Codina. Ed. Parramón Ediciones, Barcelona, 1999. pàg. 9,10, 11, 42,84, 85, 101, 106.
  • - Puig Cuyàs, R. "The Created Jewel" , catalog de l'exposició "Balanced, Escola Massana Barcelona- Karel de Grote-Hogeschool Antwerp, 2000. CDrom . Barcelona, Antwerp.
  • - Puig Cuyàs R. "Cal preparar-se? Estratègies per a la supervivència" Presentació de l´exposició del mateix nom. Primavera del Disseny 2001-Escola Massana. Barcelona 2001.
  • - Puig Cuyàs, R. text for the catalog " Joies, Schmuck Jewels, 60 " Hans Leicht. Barcelona 2001
  • - Puig Cuyàs R. "La joyería en las escuelas o el placer de tener las manos sucias". Magazine Contraste, nº 27 March 2001, Barcelona. Pág. 4
  • - Puig Cuyás, R. "La joyería en las escuelas o el placer de tener las manos sucias". Oficio y Arte, nº 55, April-May 2001. La Coruña. Spain.
  • - Puig Cuyàs, R- "Por un modelo de sabiduría sin prisas". Magazine Contraste, Barcelona, Enero, 2002. Pág. 18
  • - Puig Cuyàs R. "Por un modelo de sabiduría sin prisas" Oficio y Arte, nº 060, Feb- Mar., pág. 15. 2002, La Coruña, Spain
  • - Puig Cuyàs, R. "La joyería en las escuelas". Tribuna Gold& Time, July, 2002. Madrid, Spain.
  • -Puig Cuyàs, R. "El viatge". Presentació de l´exposició de Guigui Kohon a La Capella, Sept. 2002, Barcelona.
  • -Puig Cuyàs, R. "Quan la joia es fa metáfora" , El Temps d'Art, July-August 2003, Valencia, Spain.
  • -Puig Cuyàs, Ramon. "Carolina Vallejo, RELIQUIUM", Preface. Publisher by Danish Crafts with Rodos, Copenhagen, 2002, Dinamarca, ISBN 87-7245-920-4
  • -Puig Cuyàs, Ramon. "Portes endins, Escola Massana 75 anys" Pàg. 170. Escola Massana, Barcelona, 2004 ISBN 84-7604-499-X
  • - Puig Cuyàs, R. "Apuntes de un cuaderno de viaje i Marcas Cardinales", from the catalog "Ponto de encontro – Meeting point", Pàg. 128, 129. Centro de Arte Moderna José de Azeredo Perdigâo i Fundacâo Calouste Gulbenkian, 2004, Lisbon, Portugal.
    ISBN 972-635-153-7
  • -Puig Cuyàs, R. "Identidades" , catalog European Triennial of Cont. Jewelry 2005, Domaine du Chateau de Seneffe, Edt. World Crafts Council-Belgium, Mons, Belgium, 2005. IBSN D/2005/6269/4
  • - Puig Cuyàs, Ramon. "Peu de Reina". 2006.
  • - Puig Cuyàs, R. "Hacer experiencia" , preface of the catalog "BUE – BOG – BCN, Gestos sobre el cuerpo". Pàg. 3, 35, 36. Exhibition commissioned by Francisca Kweitel, Claudia Vallejo i Ramon Puig Cuyàs. Production of CCEBA, 2006, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • - Puig Cuyàs, R. "Walled Gardens", Marzee Magazine nº 48. Pàg. 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23. Gallery Marzee, 2006, Nijmegen, Netherlands
  • - Puig Cuyàs, R. "The Jewel: A humanizing object?", catalog Jerwood Applied Arts Prize 2007 Jewelry. Pàg. 59, 60, 61. Crafts Council, Londres, ISBN 1-903713-17-X
  • - Puig Cuyàs, R. "Statement- Dichiarazione" Schmuck 2007. Pàg. 8 i 9. Editor: GHM Gesellschaft für Handwerksmessen GmbH. , 2007 Munich, Germany
  • - Puig Cuyàs, R. "Ramon Puig Cuyàs" Catalog "Timetables, Time's Perceptions in Research Jewelry", Pàg. 40, 41, 42, 43. Le Arti Orafe, 2007, Firenze, Italia.
  • - Puig Cuyàs, R. "From the Archipelago series". "Glass Wear. Glas in Contemporary Jewelry" . Pâg. 96 ,97. Arnoldsche Art Publishers, Stuttgart, 2007.Germany. ISBN 978-3-89790-274—9
  • - Puig Cuyàs, R. Notes, "De main à main – From hand to hand" , Catalogue. Pàg. 47, 117.
    MUDAC, Musée de Design et d'Arts Appliqués Contemporains – 5 Continents Editions. 2008. Lausanne, Suisse. ISBN 978-2-88244-016-7
  • - Puig Cuyàs, R. Chatelaine to Italo Calvino, notes. From "Challenging the Châtelaine". Catalogue. Pàg. 52,53. DESIGNMUSEO Helsinki, Finland – Helen Drutt, Philadelphia, U.S.A. ISBN 952-9878-51-6
  • - Puig Cuyàs, Ramon. "Corpus architectae", Catalog "In Toplage! Architectur-Phantasien im Schmuck" Pàg. 48, 49. Museum für Angewandte Kunst and Gallery Pilartz, 2008, Cologna, Germany ISBN 3-9811342-2-2
  • - Puig Cuyàs, Ramon. "Making Experience – Hacer Experiencia"" from the catalogue exhibition "Paradigma". English & Spanish text. School of Jewelry at BIAD, Birmingham City University and Escola Massana. Birmingham 2009 ISBN 978-1-904839-36-1
  • - Puig Cuyàs,Ramon. "Hacer experiencia". Magazine, Oficio y Arte, pág. 28, 29. Nº 107 Diciembre 09 Enero 2010 . A Coruña. Spain.
  • Publications over his work; (Selection)
  • -Alamir, Marie i Guinard, Carole. "Parures d'ailleurs, parures d'ici: Incidencies, coïncidencies". Pàg. 75, 76.
    Mu.DAC. Musée de Design et d'arts appliqués contemporains. 2000, Lausanne. Switzerland.
  • -Ahrens, Renate."Schmuck und Gerät 1959-1984", magazine Uhren und Schmuck, nº 4,1984, pàg. 103. Berlin, Germany
  • - Bäuerle, Petra. "Wunsche, zweifel, neugier: Im gespräch mit Ramon Puig Cuyàs über Spanische Schmuckkultur". Schmuck Magazine, Nº3 September / Oktober, 2008. Pàg. 81. Ebner Verlag GmbH, Ulm, Germany.
  • -Besten, Lisbeth den. "A lese smykker on narrative smykkekunst" (Reading jewelry. Comments on narrative jewelry) Kunsthandverk 2/05, nr. 96, pp. 16-21. Norway.
  • -Blaunsteiner, Charlotte. "Schmuck 81", Gold und Silber, April 1981, Stuttgart, Germany.
  • -Bodine, Sara. "Zeitgeist und Schmuck", Ornamenta 1, ed. Jewelry Museum Pforzheim and Prestel Verlag, Munich, 1989, pàg. 41, 178,179.
  • -Bormman, Gottfried. "Neue Aesthetische Tendenzen", Kunst and Handwerk, núm. 4, Abril,1981,
    pàg. 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, Stuttgart, Germany.
  • -Campos, Ana. "2nd Skin Jewelry: a project to internationalize cork" Catalog "2nd Skin Cork Jewelry". Pàg. 7, 40, 41. Publishers ESAD Escola Superior de Artes e Design, Mathosinhos, Portugal. 2007 ISBN 978-972-98303-3-4
  • -Campos, Ana. "Ramon Puig: A Hybrid Mind". Lecture at Escola Superior de Arts e Design, Senhora da Hora, Portugal. 2003 HYPERLINK ""
  • - Campos, Ana. "Cel i Mar", Lectura. Universidade Aberta. 8º Mestrado em relaçôes interculturais. Seminario de Antropologia Visual. 1998/1999. Portugal.
  • -Cartlidge, Barbara, "Twentieth-century Jewelry", pàg. 166, 171, 214. Ed. Harry n. Abrams, Inc.,
    New York, 1992. U.S.A.
  • -Climent, Eliseu. "La joia, sentiments portàtils", El Temps, 21-12-1998, pàg. 56. Barcelona, Spain.
  • -Corredor-Mateos, Josep. Catalog "La Joia de la Joia,. Una visió de l´orfebreria
    i la joieria catalana actual". pàg. 14, 42, 43. Edit. Electa, 1993, Madrid.
  • - Chisotto Nalon, Mirella. "Introduzione" Catalogue "Pensieri Preziosi 3; Assemblaggi, geometrie, mito e memoria".Pàg. 13, i 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 96, 97, 98, 99. Oratorio San Rocco, Commune di Padova, Italy. 2006. ISBN 88-89566-05-1
  • - Chisotto Nalon, Mirella. Catalogue "Pensieri Preziosi 5; La Scuola Massana di Barcellona, La llibertat de la Joia. 10, 11, 12, 13. (Ital. – English) Ramon Puig Cuyàs. Pág. 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, ... 57. Oratorio San Rocco, Comune di Padova, Italia. 2009. ISBN 978 88-71 23 167 8
  • -Corredor-Mateos, Josep."Les altres arts plàstiques", volum XI, Història de l´Art Català, La segona meitat del Segle XX, pág.176, 177. Edicions 62, 1996. Barcelona, Spain.
  • -Chadur, Anna Beatriz. "Schmuckstüke-der Impuls der Moderne in Europa", pàg. 156,160. Klinkhard & Biermann,1991. Munich, Germany.
  • -Debray, Philippe. "Näkymättömiä sormuksia vartioidaan asein. Euroopan korutaiteen katselmus Barcelonassa", diari Helsingin Sonomat, Kulttuuri, 6 de Maig de 1987, Helsinki, Finland.
  • -Drutt English, Helen W. i Dormer, Peter, "Jewelry of our time, art, ornament and obsession", pàg. 119, 148, 149, 316, 329. Ed. Thames and Hudson, 1995, London, England.
  • -Ebendorf, Robert W. 1000 Rings, Inspiring adornments for the Hand. Pàg. 93, 390. A Lark Books,
    New York, 2004. U.S.A. ISBN 1-57990-508-0
  • -Faura, R. "Un nuevo valor en la joyeria catalana", Magazine Oro y Hora, pàg. 32,33,34, nº 212,11 de 1977, Barcelona. Spain.
  • - Folchini Grassetto, Graziella: "Gioielli Contemporanei: L'Alternativa al Prezioso, catalog Studio GR.20, Padova, 1997, Italy.
  • - Folchini Grassetto, Graziella: "Il colore nella giolleria contemporanea", Catalog Studio GR-20, Pàg. 6. 1997. Padova. Italy.
  • - Folchini Grassetto, Graziella: "Gioielleria Contemporanea in Europa" catalog Studio GR.20, Padova, 2001. Italy.
  • - Folchini Grassetto, Graziella: "Il mare, Gioielli di Barbara Paganin e Ramon Puig Cuyàs", Catalog, Gallery Studio GR 20, 2002, Padova. Italy.
  • - Game, Amanda & Goring, Elizabeth. "Jewelry Moves", catalog. pàg. 58, 59,88,103. National Museums of Scotland, 1998. Edinburgh, Scotland.
  • - Gaspart I Mallol, Mònica. "Viajar en el taller: Joyería de Ramon Puig Cuyàs". , Pàg. 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, i 149. Magazine Arte y Joya, nº 143 March – April 2001. Año XXVI. Barcelona, Spain.
  • - Gaspart i Mallol, Mònica. "Entorn a la joia d´art", Magazine Serra d´Or, pàg. 50. núm., 1997,
    Barcelona. Spain.
  • - Gaspart i Mallol, Mònica. "Experimentierfreudige Trends mit eigener Identität" Magazine GZ, 8/2003, Duesseldorf, Germany.
  • - Gaspart i Mallol, Mònica. "Paisatges de solapa" Catalogue "Jaume Mercadé i la Joia d'Art". Pàg. 93, 100, 101. Fundació caixa Tarragona. 2005 Tarragona. ISBN 84-931967-3-8, Spain.
  • -Giralt Miracle, Daniel. "Evolució i etapes de l´orfebreria catalana al segle XX", catalog,
    80 Anys de joieria i orfebreria catalanes, pàg. 23, Fundació Caixa de pensions, 1981, Barcelona. Spain
  • -Giralt Miracle, Daniel, " Evolució i etapes de la orfebreria catalana al segle XX", Quaderns
    de l´Obra Social, pàg. 33, Març 1981, Fundació La Caixa, Barcelona. Spain.
  • -Giralt Miracle, Daniel. "Argenters i Joiers de Catalunya", pàg. 244,246,254,255. Edit.Destino, 1985, Barcelona, Spain.
  • -Giralt Miracle, Daniel."La joieria catalana (1960-1980), un art d´avanguarda" (Jewellery,1960-1980, an Art of the Avant-Garde), catalog Joieria Europea Conteporània, pàg. 56,57,212,213,259,260,285. Fundació Caixa de Pensions, Barcelona. Spain.
  • -Giralt Miracle, Daniel. "L´obra de Ramon Puig Cuyàs", "Ramon Puig Cuyàs, Dibuixos de taller", 1995, Renart Edicions i Hipòtesi, Barcelona. Spain.
  • - Haywood, Joanne. "Mixed media jewelry". Pag. 36, 37, 71, 88, 146, 147. A&C Black Publishers, London 2009. ISBN: 978-0-7136-8867-2 England.
  • -Ibarz, Mercè. "Joies dels anys vuitante, el retorn de la joia al cos", diari Avui,10 de Marz, 1985, Barcelona. Spain.
  • - Ilse-Newman, Ursula. Inspired Jewelry: From the Museum of Arts and Design", Museum of Arts and Design, New York with ACC Editions, Woodbridge, UK, 2009. ISBN: 978-1-85-1-495788
  • - Ilse-Neuman, Ursula and Holzach, Cornelie,. Page, Jutta-Annette. "Glass Wear; Glass in Contemporary Jewelry", Arnoldsche Art Publishers in collaboration with Museum of Arts and Design, New York and Jewelry Museum Pforzheim, Germany. Pag, 26, 27, 96, 97. ISBN: 978-3-89790-274-9
  • -Jopin, Rüdiger. Catalogue, Positionen der Avantgarde, Zwei Goldschmiede aus Barcelona, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, 1995, Hamburg,Germany.
  • -Kim, Donglin, "Symbolic forms in which mental contents is expressed, and their types of expression-in contemporary metal-works and jewelry". Department of Crafts, graduate School of Seoul National University, 1996. Seoul, Korea.
  • -Lukas, Felix. "Katalanische Impressionen. In der Gallery am Graben in Wien", Magazine
    Goldschmiede Zeitung, núm. 9 de 1981, pàg. 65, 64. Duesseldorf, Germany.
  • -Lukas, Felix. "Samlung Drutt: Schmuck unserer Zeit", Goldschmiede Zeitung,nº 6
    1984, pàg. 76. Duesseldorf, Germany.
  • -Lukas, Felix. "Goldträume aus Spanien". Goldschmiede Zeitung, nº 9 de 1992, pàg. 156, 157. Duesseldorf,
  • -Lukas, Felix. "Spanische Entdeckungsreise", Goldschmiede Zeitung, 7/1994,pàg. 62, 63.
    Dusseldorf, Germany.
  • -Nicola, Karl-Günter. "Schmuckszene 91- Das Pendel schlägt zurük", Magazine Kunst und Handwerk, nº 4, 1991., pàg. 21. Duesseldorf, Germany. .
  • - Magí, Raül. "Tresors creatius : La historia a través de les joies". El Punt Diari. Art, Galeria oberta. Pâg. 35. Dimarts 13 de Març, 2007 Barcelona. Spain.
  • - Magí, Raül. "Ramon Puig Cuyàs, joier" El Punt Diari Punt i a part. Pâg. 3 Dissapte 26 de Març, 2005. Barcelona. Spain.
  • -Marcangelo, Rita,"Landscape Jewelry", Catalog, Alternatives Gallery, 2004 Rome, Italy.
  • -Margetts, Martina. "International Crafts, Jewelry and metal-works, pàg. 97.Thames and Hudson,1991. London,

    -Martinez Clará, Jesús. "Äesthetik der Abwesenheit und des Fragments", Gold und Silber, nº 2 1983, Stutgart,
  • - Maas, Barbara. "Augenblicks des Glücks", Pàg. 44, 46, 47. Schmuck Magazíne, Nº4 2006. Ebner Verlag GmbH & Co KG, Ulm, Germany.
  • - Mansell, Amanda. "Adorn; New Jewelry". Laurence King Publishing Ltd. London, 2008. Pag. 131. ISBN-13: 978-1-85669-574-9 England.
  • -Miralles, Francesc. "Grup Positura, Fundació Miró", La Vanguardia, 13 de Gener, 1985, pàg. 41. Barcelona.
  • -Miralles, Francesc. "Ramon Puig Cuyàs y la nueva joyeria", La Vanguardia, 18 de Març, pàg. 41. Barcelona.
  • -Miralles, Francesc. "Unas joyas para la polémica",La Vanguardia, Arte, 17 february 1987, Barcelona.
  • -Pelletier, Claude. & Braham, Frédéric. "Joyaux d'Espagne" Bijou Contemporain, 2002 Espace Solidor, Cagnes-sur-Mer, France.
  • - Pinto, José. "The heirs to modernism – Spain's Jewelry Art is at home in Barcelona". Pàg. 12, 13, 14, 15. GZ Art+Design, International Jewelry Magazine Nº 3 August 2006 Rühle – Diebner – Verlag, Stuttgart, Germany.
  • -Pilon, Luc. - "Hola Barcelona", Metalsmith, The Journal of the Society of North American Goldsmiths, vol. 10, núm. 4 de 1990. Pàg. 39. Tampa, Florida, U.S.A
  • - Possmai Vita, Alexandra. "Ramon Puig Cuyàs", Catalog "Pensieri Preziosi 3; Assemblaggi, geometrie, mito e memoria".Pàg. 48, 49, 50, 51, i 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 96, 97, 98, 99. Oratorio San Rocco, Comune di Padova, Italy. 2006. ISBN 88-89566-05-1
  • -Schadt, Hermann. "Goldsmiths´ Art. 5000 Years of Jewelry and Holloware", New Conceptions Since The 1970´, pàg. 214, 215. Arnoldsche 1996. Stuttgart,Germany.
  • - Snyder, Jeffrey B. "Art Jewelry Today 2" Schiffer Publishing, Atglen, PA, USA 2008. Pag. 107, 119. ISBN: 978-0-7643-3065-0
  • -Simon, Marjorie. 500 Brooches, Inspiring Adornment for the Body. Pàg. 68, 104, 135. Ed. Lark Books, New York, 2005, ISBN 1-57990- 612-5
  • - Soléau, Antje. "In Toplage – Architectur – Phantasien im Schmuck" Kunsthandwerk 2008. Ulm. Germany.
  • -Späni, Lisa. "Ein Bericht zwischen Pausenapfel und Orangenbàumen, Escola Massana" Werkspuren, nº 1, April de 1996, pàg. 20 a 25. Zurich. Switzerland.
  • - Strauss, Cindy. " Featured Works – Ramon Puig Cuyàs" from "ornament as Art, Avant-garde jewelry from the Helen Williams Drutt Collection, The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston". Pàg. 23, 252, 253, 254, 255, i 416, 417, 496. Arnoldsche Art Publishers I Museum of Fine Arts Houston, 2007. Stuttgart – Houston, U.S.A. & Germany. ISBN 978-3-89790-273-2
  • -Unger, Marjan.Catàleg de Kamen, pàg. 11,121,122,134,146. Marzee/Kammen, 1989,.Nijmegen, Netherlands
  • -Ilse-Neuman, Ursula. "Glass in Contemporary Jewelry" from "Glass Wear. Glass in Contemporary Jewelry" . Pâg. 26, 27. Arnoldsche Art Publishers, Stuttgart, 2007.Germany. ISBN 978-3-89790-274--9
  • - Veenre, Tanel. "thirteen Faces of black Mood", Catalog "Just Must". Pàg. 38 i 146, 147. Estonian History Museum. Arnoldsche Art Publishers. 2008 Tallin, Estonia – Stuttgart, Germany. ISBN 978-3-89790-296-1
  • -Watkins, David."The best in contemporary jewelry", pàg. 134, 135. 1993. A Quarto Book, London, Published Rotovision AS, Mies, Switzerland.
  • -Wimmer, Iris. "Ramon Puig Cuyàs, Fundstüke aus dem Meer", Schmuck Magazine , June,1999, pág. 32-33-34. Ulm, Germany.

Artist Statement:

"Scientists pretend to represent the world with the least ambiguity and mistake from the rational thinking, artists also pretend to represent the world, but they deliberately exploit the ambiguity of intuition. If in the remote origins of jewelry, the amulet and the talisman wanted to connect man with nature and the transcendent universe through the forces of magic, today jewelry pretends to do it through a new humanism that should integrate art and science values. A jewelry that must help to experiment new ways of thinking and living both to the creator and to the bearer. This should be the function that really conditioned the creation of the contemporary jewel."